Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The starting weeks of SCD (the REAL story)

This week is Thanksgiving, of course, and it will be the first year I won't be eating something completely Thanksgiving-like. Neither will my son.

I've posted a little about starting SCD, and these first three months will likely be the hardest of our lives. I know that it is, and it makes it a little easier to get through.

It's not easy. It's not easy at all. Last night I got home from work at 4:30 p.m. and immediately stepped into the kitchen. My mother is of course asking why my husband doesn't cook more (he works from home). I've tried to explain that he is working on projects that net us a few hundred dollars per week when it's a good week, and the fact is, he has less time than I do. Plus, that money is what keeps us fed most of the time, so I'm not about to stop him.

So, back to the kitchen. First I made two pans of egg bread. It's not really bread, it's an invented SCD recipe of egg yolks and whites separated that I got from the Pecan Bread Yahoo! group, which is a group for moms trying the SCD with autistic kids and kids with other behavioral problems like ADD/ADHD. The original recipe said six whites and four yolks, but I changed it to five whites and five yolks, because I'm not about to throw out expensive organic egg yolks and I'm not about to store them for later, either. So here's my version of the recipe:


Five eggs
1/2 cup well cooked vegetables

Separate the whites into a large bowl and put the yolks into a smaller bowl. Beat whites with a pinch of salt until glossy.

Squeeze the water out of the vegetables with some paper towels. They don't have to be dry, but using two to three paper towels folded over will allow you to get a substantial amount of water out. Plop them into the bowl with the egg yolks. Beat the yolks with the vegetables until the vegetables are nearly pureed. You can use a stick blender for this if you like.

Fold the yolk mixture into the egg whites, mixing well. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper and dump the mixture in, spreading around with a spatula.

Bake at 350 degrees for 40-50 minutes. The bread will puff up a little and settle as it cools. You can carefully flip the whole bread over and bake the other side for an additional 10 minutes if you like, but it doesn't seem to make all that much difference.

I cut it into 12 square pieces and sprinkle with sea salt. You can use them for sandwiches or snacks.

Here's a tip: DO NOT USE ANYTHING OTHER THAN PARCHMENT PAPER. I tried. I used foil with olive oil, foil with lots of olive oil, and wax paper (which melted and stuck to the pan) before I gave up and just bought the damned stuff. It's like magic. Food does not stick to it AT ALL. Comes right off. Parchment paper is full of win.

While I was making the egg bread, the beans on the stove (my husband kindly started them for me on my way home from work) ran out of water and burned, despite being covered. Sigh. I then wondered why I was making such small pans of vegetables. So I salvaged what I could from the burned pan, scrubbed the burned pan, and then scrubbed out a giant saucepan. I filled it with water and beans and cooked it for more than an hour. In the beginning stages of SCD, vegetables have to be cooked until they are very well done. Not the most appetizing thing, but it is temporary, I remind myself. I will survive.

As I waited for the beans, I scrubbed out my big nonstick skillet to make myself dinner. By then, it was about time to put Clark to bed, so I told Jeffrey to take out one of the pans of egg bread in ten minutes and I read a book with Clark, sang songs, and then tucked him in and shut the door.

I poured a layer of olive oil on the bottom of the big skillet and tossed in four random chicken pieces. Yes, I know it's too early in the diet for me to be eating fried things. I press a bunch of the oil out and so far I haven't had any problems. If you are just starting the diet you shouldn't be frying things either. I am going to get more chicken breasts so I can poach them but right now I'm a little bit stuck.

We don't have much money so I buy parts for 99 cents a pound. The Foster Farms parts are much nicer than the Albertson's parts, all tucked nicely into their package. The Albertson's parts are more cruel, with cut bone ends sticking out. They make me shudder and go ew. But for some reason Costco doesn't have packages of Foster Farms parts right now. They're filling all their freezer cases with more expensive holiday fare, I suppose.

I fried them, and I forgot to put onion in with them, like I usually do. I think it was because I was distracted, since I needed to chop up stuff for the crock pot tomorrow morning. I started doing that, and then I tossed in a few garlic cloves with the chicken for a while.

I turned the chicken parts without burning myself horrifically, though hot oil did spray at me. -_- Last week a drop of hot oil managed to hit the top of my foot, which immediately blistered. Awesome.

I finished peeling garlic cloves and chopping onion and celery for the crock pot. I put them all in a baggie in the fridge. I then took out the last pan of egg bread and put the first pan's contents into baggies for Clark's lunch.

That was about when the smoke alarm went off.

Frantically Jeffrey grabbed the alarm and tried covering it with his hand. I turned off the pan, thinking there really hadn't been much smoke at all, and grabbed the kitchen step stool so Jeffrey had something to stand on. Then I plugged in a box fan, which I held over my head pointed at the alarm. Which kept going. And going. And going. ARGH.

Finally Jeffrey ripped the alarm out of the ceiling. The alarm continued to bleat sporadically for a couple more seconds, then fell silent.

I went over to the baby monitor, which we use for our almost five year old as he likes to get up in the dark and play for hours. I could hear him snoring. Whew.

I sat down and tried to eat my chicken, which clearly had a couple of scorched charcoal-like areas. I like burned stuff, but something was still off. I never realized how much of a difference cooking the chicken with onion makes, but the taste without the onion was nearly revolting. Jeffrey then mocked me for buying 99 cents a pound chicken parts, saying it was clearly a quality issue. Bleh.

The beans were drained and done by that point, so they sat out until they cooled enough to be shoveled into a giant baggie. I portioned out some beans for our lunches the next day. I couldn't bring myself to eat any of the beans, despite being dangerously low in carbs that day. I just couldn't do it. I realized I would need to make eggs in the morning for breakfast so I washed the big skillet again so it would be ready.

My husband then realized then that he'd forgotten that he was going to be doing a commentary with Kat for Seminar. So I took an ice pack to the bedroom along with America, the "history" book from the Daily Show. My wrist was in agony, because my arthritis was acting up and I was overusing my bad wrist with all the cooking. So I iced and tried not to fall asleep while I read.

I completely hit the wall waiting for my sweetie, so by the time he was done I was almost a zombie. But I dragged my butt out of bed and went to my computer and finished the trailer for Wonder Woman 23. Did I mention I'm a podcaster for Pendant Audio? Well, I am. Hooray.

Then I collapsed into bed.

I was awakened at 3:15 a.m. by my darling son. I promptly put him back in bed. I also had a terrible headache, likely from the whole not-enough-carbs thing. I drank some grape juice, brushed my teeth in the dark, and then went back to sleep.

On to 6 a.m. I got up, fried six eggs in the skillet with about a cup of green beans and a little olive oil. Clark liked it. I got the crock pot started and had just enough time to eat breakfast before getting out the door only five minutes late.

Of course I was out of gas, so five minutes late turned into fifteen minutes late. Oh well.

So there it is -- a day in the life of early SCDers. Don't say I didn't warn you.

1 comment:

Jasmine said...

Speaking of Wonder Woman ... sounds like you are doing quite an extraordinary job yourself!